
Friday, October 2, 2009


I'm a nerd. I accept this. I have also not made it a secret that I really want to be a stay-at-home mom next year. In order for that to happen, we've got to figure out how to compensate for the loss of my income. Hence the formula:

nerd+cheapskate=coupon obsession

I've only just begun the foray into getting stuff on the cheap. Okay, okay. Those of you who know me know that I head straight for the clearance racks in any given store, but now I mean business. *Insert serious face here.* Here's what I've started using:

5 Dollar Dinners: Offers menus, recipes, highlights coupon savings
Deal Seeking Mom:
More coupon stuff. Woohoo!
Money Saving Mom: Okay, this is getting redundant. (Good site though!)
The Freebie Blogger: Who doesn't like free stuff? Some of it isn't worth your time, but some items I've found are free magazine subscriptions, free Redbox rentals, and pairings to get stuff for free using coupons and store sales.

Also worth checking out:
All of these sites allow you to choose which coupons you want and just print the ones you need. They print multiple coupons on a page now, too.
Hot Coupon World
Smart Source
Red Plum

So I know that it's easy to get really excited about something and then lose steam, so I'm not going to go all crazy right away. (We'll let the insanity creep in slowly--mwahaha.)

For now, I'm just excited to go pick up my free contact solution at Target. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of "the grocery game"? You can get a trial of it for a dollar for a whole month. I know of a mom that did the trial, figured the game out for herself, and doesn't use the website at all now. She feeds a family of 5 (with 2 teenage boys) for less than $200.00 a month. She also ended up with so much free stuff she started a food pantry with the excess! Also, when she started they were on the verge of having to move because they were so financially strapped. I hope you enjoy it!

    (It's also more than just food. That includes her toiletries, too.)
