
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Baby Must-Haves

I always loved reading peoples' must-have-for-baby lists while I was pregnant, so here's my own. I even linked each item to an online description.
  • Boppy--I actually have two: one that I bought (at Marshall's-- don't pay full price] and one that is borrowed from a friend. The one I borrowed is much better, and I don't know why. It's a softer cover, and it's not as thick. It makes a difference.
  • Swing--(Graco SweetPeace Newborn Soother) Thankfully we scored this at a garage sale (practically brand new) because they sell new for $180 (we got it for $60). I really didn't think I would use it that much, but the best part about this particular model is that our carseat fits into the base, so if Avery's asleep in the car, it's an easy transfer.
  • Burp cloths-- I got a ton of these and didn't think I'd use them all, but I use them constantly to wipe up drool, spit up, and even to keep Avery warm during her baths (that was a brilliant idea, I might add-- it works just like a blanket!).
  • Breastpump-- Not much to explain here :) I use the Medela Pump In Style Advance, and it's awesome. Keep a lookout for coupons and sales because by combining the two, I got $80 off of mine.
  • Drop-in bottles-- When I went back to work, we were just using the Medela bottles that came with my pump, but now that Avery's getting more formula, we've needed more bottles. My favorites by far are the Playtex drop-ins. You really only have to clean the tops. (And you get tired of washing bottles real quick)
  • Bath mat-- Nana gave this to me, and we already had an infant tub, so I didn't think I'd even use it, but it's the only reason Avery likes baths. We use the Munchkin brand and love it. I can't find a link to this online, it's like a spongy yellow thing and I've seen it in Target stores.
  • Costco diapers-- They don't sell newborn size, so for the first few weeks I used Pampers Swaddlers and Huggies Snug 'n Dry, and I liked them equally. Once she moved into size 1s though, it was Costco all the way. The diapers are way cheaper, the boxes are HUGE (saving trips to the store), and they're the best quality diapers we've used. Plus, Costco runs coupons for them sometimes, so you can get them even cheaper.
  • Nursing cover-- I wasn't a huge fan of nursing in public, but I ended up using this all the time because at the beginning, we constantly had company, and the cover kept me from having to isolate myself while people were over (newborns have a tendency to eat constantly...).
  • Pack-n-Play-- We got a model that had a bassinet and a changing station on it, and we kept it in our room while Avery was sleeping in there. It was so nice to have everything right next to us when we needed it. We'll also be able to use it in the future when she needs the regular Pack-n-Play feature.
  • Changing pad cover-- Since Avery's been in her room the past week, I love the cover we have on the changing pad in her room. It keeps her warm (as opposed to the cold plastic of the pad), and it's super easy to throw in the wash after accidents.
  • Huggies wipes-- It sounds weird, but Huggies has the best wipes dispenser. They tear off so easily, so you can actually take a wipe out with one hand (while holding baby legs in the other). Plus, the wipes are the sturdies I've used, and they have some that don't actually smell like wipes. Love it.
  • Bouncer-- This is the only reason I'm able to shower when Matt's not home to watch Avery. She didn't like it at first, but now it works like a charm. They have some really fancy ones, but I linked the one we have, and it's just a plain bouncer that vibrates, and it works just fine (for way cheaper). I can't imagine needing one that an iPod plugs into...
  • Travel Diaper Changing Pad-- Public bathrooms are nasty. This is not.
  • Sling-- This is the only reason my house got vacuumed at first. It put her right to sleep every time I put her in it. Now, not so much because she's freakishly long and doesn't fit. Boo.
  • Sleep wedge-- Avery prefers to sleep on her side, and I prefer her to sleep period, so we use this and everyone's happy.
I know people have done without all these things in the past, and they were totally fine, but these sure do make life a little easier. And I'm sure that I'll discover more products as she gets older, so for now this is my list. Maybe I'll update it in a few months.

So give me some feedback-- moms, what did I leave off that worked for you? If you're pregnant, feel free to ask me if something is worth buying/registering for. This stuff is all pretty fresh on my mind, so I don't mind talking about it.

Happy Wednesday!

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