
Sunday, November 15, 2009

And the Angels Rejoiced: Weekend Update

I am DONE with grading research papers! Hallelujah! *Cue angelic melody.* Now if those dang Cowboys could've just gotten it together, it would've been a much better end-of-the-weekend.

Here's the weekend recap:


(Scrapbooking at church. I just made cards. I'm determined to use up my huge drawer of scraps, thus the following cards.)


(Catch up with Jenn on the phone. Only two more weeks until I see my long-lost best friend!)

(Hang out at Brooke and Dave's garage sale.)

(Stall some more with the grading.)

(Okay, finally sit down to grade. These are the two casualties from this treacherous project: my smashed pinky and my beloved purple pen. RIP.)

(Make a trek to see the All-Region choirs perform. This is where Matt was all day. Boo for Saturday without him. Avery was a pro though and sat through the entire concert. We are seriously spoiled. And she really does smile, I promise, even though I apparently can't catch it on camera anymore.)


(Praise team practice. Grade during Sunday School. Worship service.)

(Home. Lunch. Grade some more.)

(Choir practice. Avery's learning already.)

(Parents' house for a delayed Cowboy-watching. Oh, and more grading.)

(Grading complete! Breathe again.)

I feel so beyond relieved to be finished right now, but that will probably only last until tomorrow. I have a feeling that once some of my precious kiddos see their grades, I'll have some angry parent emails to deal with. Such is life. For now, Avery's fast asleep, and I have a date with Matt and a cold beverage waiting for me in the living room. Until next time, have a great week!

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