
Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 pt. 1

New year, not-so-new busy schedule. Therefore, lack of consistent bloggage. Sigh. Even now I really need to be in bed. So here's the quick rundown...
  • Avery turned 6 months old yesterday! I still haven't taken her cute little 6-month onesie picture, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • I officially started my new position at the church as Children's Ministry Director. Things have already been interesting, and I'm not sure I'm ready for what I just got myself into. :)
  • It is very cold outside. Like very cold.
  • I won a prize on a blog today. It wasn't the one I worked my little booty off for, but it will suffice. And now I can't say I never win anything! Yippee!
  • My student teacher started today, so to break him in, we took 200 sophomores to the Holocaust Museum. Okay, fine. Those two things weren't cause-and-effectual (yes, I just made up that phrase), but I'm sure it was an interesting way for him to start his teaching career. And just think, we get to take 200 more tomorrow.
If I'm going to have any energy at all for this week, this post must. end. now.


1 comment:

  1. Heather, thank you for your sweet comment! I told Ryan last night, "I don't care if not a single person reads my blog, I'm still going to blog every day." So I'm glad I have a reader :) We DO need to get together! Is your cell still 948-4774? I can't belive Avery is 6 months! And I am going to literally DIE from this cold weather.
