
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Do you ever get the feeling that you're always behind on something? To-do lists, bills, laundry, cleaning, the list seems to be endless. I'm at the point right now that I need to find balance. I'd much rather spend my free time cultivating my relationships with my husband and baby girl than conquering the unchecked items on my multitude of lists. However. Those items need to be addressed too, right? Soon after Avery was born I found out the importance of paying your water bill on time. (Oops.)  A messy house is not conducive to relaxing as a family.  We have to have clean clothes to wear. I must visit the grocery store every now and then so we can eat. That's kind of important. So how does it all mesh? That's where I'm at.

One of the things that has been pushed aside for the time being is my computer time (and I've been thankful for the "break") and, as a result, my blogging has been neglected as well. So here's the quick rundown for those who are still following:

  • Avery hit the 10-month mark on May 3! I'll post the monthly update soon. Well, before June anyway. 
  • We had a garage sale with our neighbors Cody and Whitney a couple weeks ago, but the weather was iffy, so we didn't have a ton of traffic. Whitney's trying again this weekend, and I already took off work on Friday, so I think I'll join her. This stuff has got to go!
  • The church officially hired a nursery coordinator! I'm so very thankful that that area of children's ministry has been lifted from my load. My friend Kyndra is now in charge of the little ones, so I'm now able to focus on the preschool and elementary age kids. I'm currently working on finalizing curriculum for the fall and finishing up some summer plans, and I'm excited about what God's going to do in the lives of these kids! I've been watching some Children Desiring God conference videos (put out by Desiring God Ministries, i.e. John Piper=good stuff!) and I've really been convicted about the common vision in many churches to sum up children's ministry with the word "something" (i.e. Let's have "something" for the kids, or activity-orientation vs. having a goal in everything we do to ultimately spread a love and passion for the supremacy of God.). My hope is that our children's ministry will be done with purpose.
  • We had our first read-through for our summer show, Little Women, last weekend. Oh. my. goodness. I'm so excited about working with this cast! It's going to be crazy putting the show together in one short month, but folks, it's gonna be good. If you're in the DFW area, mark your calendars for July 15-17 to come out and see it! 
  • We celebrated Mother's Day by going to the Ranger game after church with my family. (Is anyone really surprised?) Matt packed a bag of baseball game necessities (trail mix, peanuts, coke, etc.) and surprised me with flowers. It was perfectly low key and awesome. 
Haha, the crotch-hold is cracking me up. She's a squirmy little girl!
  • I played my last indoor game (for awhile anyway) last night. We ended up pulling out the championship with a 10-6 win. Yours truly scored 5 goals. No big deal. HA! That was a very big deal because I am not typically the goal-scorer. I'm usually the one taking people out in the defensive third. Okay, I'm done bragging. Thanks for letting me get that out there. :) 
Sorry for the lack of pictures; I have been really bad about getting them from the camera to the computer (much less printing them!). The ones I included only exist courtesy of my awesome blossom sister. We've also decided to get a new camera. Nothing fancy, just a nicer point-and-shoot. Ours is okay for taking "say cheese" pictures, but it just doesn't cut it with action shots, which obviously doesn't suit our needs with a very mobile 10 month old! Now I'm on the hunt for a Canon something or other that Allison recommended.

We're heading full-force into summer; I cannot believe we only have three and a half more weeks of school until I'm a full-time stay at home mom! The rest of May is just as hectic, but hopefully the updates won't be quite as sporadic. Happy almost-summer!


  1. We're getting a new camera too. The little ones are too quick for us. I'm excited for you to become a full-time SAHM. And happy 10 months to Avery!

  2. I hear ya on the never ending To-Do list. Sometimes I just have to let it go...I'm tired after work! Sounds like you had a fun Mother's Day! So excited for you to get to stay at home :>
