
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer school, decks, rehearsal, and AT&T.

Well since I've been on the phone with AT&T tech support for over an HOUR now, I figured I might as well use my time wisely and update the ol' blog.

Summer is supposed to be RELAXING! Not this hectic, time-sucking, run-all-over-town, rehearsal-every-night season that it's been the past couple of weeks.

Matt and I both subbed for summer school this week. Matt worked four days and I worked three. The money will be more than welcome because it's going straight to the deck Matt will be tediously slaving over constructing in the very near future. But whew, let me just tell ya, there's a reason those kids are in summer school, bless their little hearts. I was exhausted after 4 hours with them each day! 

And in case you were worried (ha!), Avery got some good Grandma time in while we were at school in the mornings. The poor thing has had to be a super-trooper these past couple of weeks. She's had five different babysitters during that time period (between rehearsals, summer school, and the Idina concert). I'm just hoping she remembers who her mommy is after the show is over!

Only two more weeks to go! We're almost halfway through rehearsals, and things are actually starting to come together. After tonight, the entire show will be blocked, and next week we start running entire acts. Eek! I'm so excited. And nervous. And overwhelmed.

Allison and I could not get through our tear-jerker scene without bawling our eyes out, so Kendra (the director) made fun of us. 

And now I'm finally off the phone with tech non-support, but alas, my issue is not resolved, which means I am not a "very satisfied customer" as they keep telling me they want me to be. Please. So now I just get to wait until they call me back and this whole mess starts again. For the record, it's now been an hour and a half. Ugh, if it didn't mean I'd lose my email address, I'd totally be switching DSL providers right about now.

But Avery's still napping, which means I need to spend some quality time with my script. I'm out.


  1. Poor neglected A. =p I'm sure she's having fun though. The deck will be nice once it's done...once it's started. =p

  2. you look like you're having a hard time holding back the tears there. best of luck!
