
Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm wondering...

...if it's wise to refinance our house right now. It'll save us $300 a month but will cost $2,500 up front (for a one-time mortgage insurance payment)

...if I should audition for the Grand Prairie Arts Council's production of Little Women. Auditions are tomorrow, show is in September.

...when I should stop Avery's monthly update posts. I mean, it'll be a little ridiculous if I'm still doing them at, say, 37 months. I do like looking back at them to see how much she's grown each time. to keep a one year old entertained on an eight-hour road trip. We leave Monday.

...why I keep getting letting myself get distracted by the computer when I have so much to do.


  1. $300/month is a HUGE drop. i'd do it!

    and we bought a cheap DVD player and a few of his favorite cartoons on DVD when James was 1 and we started traveling so much. it helped!

  2. YES you should audition!!!! : )

  3. 1. I know nothing about refinancing your house.
    2. You should audition for Little Women..don't be scurred! I would if I could.
    3. Start doing 3 month updates...and then 6 month...or somethin'.
    4. Easy solution...have her auntie al in the backseat.
    5. Because you love my pictures!

    There. I solved all your problems. Kinda.
