
Thursday, February 3, 2011

19 Months

Avery Grace, you are 19 months old today! You've been a busy, growing girl these days. Here's what you're up to:
  • You're still wearing size 5 diapers, size 24 month and 2T clothes, and size 7 shoes. 
  • You LOVE to sing now. Your favorites are "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "Jesus Loves Me." You actually sing most of "Jesus Loves Me" and it's so sweet that I about cry every time you do. 
  • You got to spend a whole weekend with NeNe and Pop-Pop and you loved it. I'll post some pictures once I get them. :) 
  • You are getting an a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e! You really want to get your way and let us know how you feel when that doesn't happen. It's such a contrast to our sweet little Avery who usually lives around here! 
  • I think you're giving us no choice but to start potty training soon. Today at Grandma's you sat down on a round toy and said, "Potty! Pee pee!" and then you got up and gave Daddy your diaper to change you. We have no idea how to potty train, so Daddy said we're just going to send you out to the yard like we did with Nutmeg. :) 
  • You love to play (that's a given). You "cook" all the time and love to play with your babies. You also really love Play-Doh when we're adventurous enough to get it out. 
  • You really like to watch Elmo DVDs, so we check out a couple at a time from the library and you get to watch one when you wake up from your nap. (Not all day as you'd prefer!) You're very particular though because you insist on sitting in your wagon in front of the TV. We pick our battles.
  • You actually get air when you jump now! We took apart our guest bed so we could make room for your baby brother's nursery, and you had the best time jumping on mattress when we had it on the floor. I'm a little nervous to move you to your big girl bed this month!
  • You love your family and friends. Every night (and at naptime) you go through your list of people that you ask about. And your list keeps growing! 
You're just lots of fun to have around. :) We love you, sweet girl!

Mommy and Daddy

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