
Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Five

1. I have been totally slacking on the 52 Week Organizing Challenge. While I like to think that I'm Superwoman and can accomplish my entire to-do list in a day, I'm beginning to realize that I just can't do everything. I know, it's taken me awhile to come to this conclusion, but these days I'm working my big ol' booty off just to keep our house in functioning order, take care of a very active toddler, keep up with all the children's ministry stuff I'm responsible for, and not lose my mind over all the things I still need to get done before Landon gets here. That said, big organizing projects have fallen by the wayside. I'll still post updates when I get to them, but don't hold your breath too long in the waiting.

2. Avery got her very first Sonic slush yesterday! Keep in mind that this is the girl who only drinks milk and water. (We don't give her juice because 1) we're cheap, 2) I'm paranoid about her teeth getting too coated with sugar, and 3) we figure if she doesn't know what she's missing, she won't be begging for it all the time, haha.)

Anyway, she had a great day yesterday, and I had a $1.17 in change just calling Sonic's name after I picked up the munchkin from Mother's Day Out. Plus it was Happy Hour. Score! So I got a small Coke and Avery got a blue coconut slush, and we enjoyed our treats on the back porch when we got home.

What mom in her right mind gives her not-yet-two-year-old a dark blue beverage?!? Seeing as how my financial limitations required colored slushes (as opposed to the real fruit lime ones that are clear) and she was wearing a blue shirt, I just went with it.

Let's just say that Avery likes "slushy!!"

3. I had my first big sewing fail this week. It was bound to happen, especially since I was moving on from burp cloths and straight lines. My mom already had the cute pattern and fabric for it, so I decided to make some adorable Bermuda shorts for Avery. Fail #1: I started these shorts a few weeks ago but stopped in the middle of making them because I needed to make Matt's Batman birthday pajama pants (post on those coming soon, btw). Well, when I returned to the project this week, I completely forgot that I was using white thread and inadvertently switched to chocolate brown. By the time I realized my error, I was way too far into it to bring myself to take it all apart and switch back to white. Argh. Fail #2: The second fail was actually not really my fail per se. I blame the stupid pattern. Because when I went to try the (still uncompleted but close) shorts on my little model, they didn't even cover half of her bottom. I'm not a huge fan of toddler super-low rise pants. So now it's back to the drawing board sewing machine. I refuse to throw the shorts away because I did a stinking good job on the pockets and the bottom, non-waist section, so I will find a solution.

4. We are LOVING this weather! It's been in the 70s and 80s all week, and we've been spending tons of time outside. We went to the park with friends on Wednesday, have been going on exploratory walks in the yard (and playing in the sand) at home, and today we're going to meet Kari and Emma for a picnic at an outside shopping center that has a good play area.

5. This weekend is another free one (this is so unusual for us, but we'll take it!), so we're probably gonna spend it just working (and playing) around the house. We're such homebodies these days. :)

Happy Friday!


  1. so all this traveling stuff is super cool...but i miss you guys a lot. you should stop posting things that make me want to come home because i still have a month left! haha. i´m ready to sit on your back porch with sonic slushies and the little munchkin and YOU! about ben folds... haha.

  2. 1. I'm happy when I get one thing done from my checklist each day.
    2. We're not big on juice over here either. Hubby's family is huge on it's your fruit intake for the day. The girls do like their Jamba Juice when we get the BOGO coupon though.
    3. Oops!
    4. Pouring rain for days on end in CA...NorCal anyway. I heard LA/SD had some sun.
    5. Yay for a free weekend!! I miss those. Birthday parties every weekend over here until late April. I had to say no to one because we would be overbooked, and I saw on the evite that one family said they were already triple-booked that day so they had to say no for that party. Eek! Take an advantage now to relax before the days of sports practice and rehearsals start.

  3. I'm a little late on this, but maybe if you add a wide elastic band to the top of Avery's shorts that would fix it? Kinda like the wide band at the top of non-full-panel maternity bottoms?
