
Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Weekend.

Our weekend wasn't a terribly exciting one, but I'm posting about it anyway. This post will include a couple pictures of an adorable little girl, so that makes it worthwhile, right?

Matt was on bedtime duty while I went to scrapbook night at Amy's house because I hadn't been in months and I needed to get some fabric cut for a project I needed to start. Amy is just one of the sweetest people I know, and I love that she hosts a craft night once a month for anybody from our church who wants to come. Chatting with her and Kristina made my fabric cutting (my least favorite part about sewing!) much more bearable.

I fell asleep on the couch promptly after arriving home. I'm lame like that. We were in bed by 10:30 on a Friday night. What?!?

Our yard is was out of control. Matt spent a good chunk of the day mowing, weed eating, and edging. And while he did that, Avery and I stopped by a little coffee/breakfast thing for the ladies at church. Our pastor's wife (love her!) was the hostess, and Avery had a blast playing with her grandkids' toys while we were there. She was so well-behaved, and I was very relieved proud that she threw no tantrums. 

After spending the afternoon playing outside, Avery took a four hour nap while I worked on my coaster project and Matt got some guy time working outside with our neighbor Dave. (p.s. I finished the coasters and will post pics and the tutorial link later this week. I love the way they turned out!)

Matt didn't like my idea of chili, rice, and cornbread for dinner after he had been outside all day, so we ate chicken nuggets and mac n cheese instead. :) And since it was gorgeous outside, we ate on the porch (at our tiny little Ikea makeshift patio furniture, haha!). 

Because it was Saturday and it's almost summer and sometimes you just have to break the rules, Avery even got to take breaks from eating to run around the yard and then stayed up way past her bedtime while we talked to Brooke and Dave next door (we're SO thankful to have good neighbors!). They were babysitting their adorable 4-year-old niece, and Avery was so funny trying to copy everything she did! She loves big kids. :) 

Today was a pretty typical busy Sunday. Church, grabbed pizza (thank you, $5 Little Caesars!), ate it at my parents' since we were in one car and Matt needed to go back to church for choir right after lunch, I took Avery home for a nap, woke her up in time to go back to church for the prayer gathering, fed Avery dinner when we got home, got her to bed, and then Matt and I ate salad (of all things) in front of the TV for dinner.

Avery had a pretty rough day though. She tripped and fell into my parents' barstool after lunch, scoring a nice bruise line on her forehead. The girl rarely cries when she falls, but she was a mess, poor thing! She did land some ice cream in the deal, so I think she was okay. I was probably more traumatized than she was! 

And then right before bedtime, she was crawling on Matt's back and just face planted into the floor. I'm pretty sure she hit her nose because it definitely bled a little. She had a hard time recovering from that one (no ice cream the second time around), but I think the exhaustion was getting to her, too. Anyway, she's getting much more adventurous these days (which I love), but it also means there are more bumps and bruises to come. I'm sure it'll be even worse with a little boy!

Bedtime was so sweet though, and I've been so thankful for our little family this week. They really are my favorite people in the world, and I love spending weekends with them.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes on the ouchies! E ran into the corner (one that's coming out, not going in, if that makes any sense?) of the wall one time and there was a huge dent on her head. She's the same as A...usually not crying when taking a tumble, but this was bad. Poor kiddo. This week I hope she recovers from that and faceplanting.
