
Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Five

Every time I sit down to type this Landon wakes up prematurely from his nap (Avery hasn't even fallen asleep yet, but let's not go there), so I'm gonna try to get this out as fast as possible. Here are our five random items for the week:

1. We met up with Kari and Emma for breakfast at Chick-fil-a this morning because they were having storytime for the kids. Avery and Emma loved reading all the bug books with the librarian, and they paid attention and participated in the whole thing. I was so proud of my little two year old! We even got to go shopping afterward, and Avery and Emma entertained each other while Kari and I shopped. It was the perfect setup. Until Landon had enough and screamed his little lungs out while we were checking out at Target and Avery stepped in an ant pile in the parking lot. It was a very fun morning though, and I managed to score some awesome shoes and shorts for Matt (who's been hinting that he needs them for long enough), a back to "school" outfit and shoes for Avery, some onesies for my growing boy, soccer shorts for me, a cute broom for my kitchen, and a magnetic magazine file for my kitchen counter that I'd been eyeing for awhile and finally went on clearance. Hooray for pay day!

2. Last night was Meet the Teacher night at Avery's "school" (Mother's Day Out), and she loved her new classroom. Her class is all six kids from last year, plus some new ones, and her teachers both seem super sweet. Avery was especially excited to see a kitchen set and immediately asked where all the dishes were. I'm sure she'll love going back on Tuesday when all the toys are out!

3. After we got back from Meet the Teacher, I had to leave right away to go to a meeting at church, so I helped Matt get the kids out of the car, and right before I left I heard Matt say, "Uh oh." The words of doom. Avery's dresser had been invaded by ants. I had noticed a few ants in Landon's room and the kids' bathroom a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't find the sources, so I killed them and went on with my life. Apparently they got into Avery's room and made themselves at home in her two top drawers. Yikes. Poor Matt had to deal with it all by himself (at bedtime, to make matters worse). This dang heat is wretched. Even the ants don't want to stay outside!

4. So during nap time this week I've been working on Avery's nap mat for school. Um, this tutorial looked a little tough but do-able and super cute, so I went for it. And let's just say, that it is not really do-able. At least not for me and my beginner sewing capabilities.  Here is what my kitchen table looks like right now.

That's right, I can't even sew it on my sewing table because it is a massive pile of impossibility!! I had to move all my sewing stuff to the kitchen and now we're eating in the living room. Oy. Huge shoutout to my friend Rachel though. She is quite the little seamstress and just so happens to be making the same nap mat and came to my rescue via frantic phone call yesterday. I'm not gonna lie, I do feel better that she's having a hard time with it, too. Seriously though, you should check out her Etsy shop because she has some cute cute stuff there.

So I have until Tuesday. I will conquer this dumb project if it kills me. And it just might.

5. This weekend is a doozy. We wanted to go to Allison's preseason game in Ft. Worth tonight, but I just couldn't justify taking Landon out in that heat for two hours. We'll make it up this season though (I can't believe she's a senior and this is her last one!). I think we'll run some errands tonight and watch Friday Night Lights when the kids are in bed. Ah, we're such homebodies these days. Tomorrow I'm going to a Ladies' lunch thing at church and then we're taking a children's ministry trip to The Ballpark for the Mercy Me concert and Ranger game. Landon's staying with my parents (again with the heat!), so here's hoping he decides to take a bottle again. On Sunday I'm going to a baby shower and then we have the monthly prayer gathering thing at church.

Avery is still awake, and my head is nearly bald from pulling all of my hair out. Some days she makes me crazy. Happy weekend, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. They always seem to know when you get online. =p I think Melody is almost done with naps... =(

    1. Yuck on the ant pile.
    3. Boo on the ant invasion!!! We had it bad the first yr we moved in. Horrible! I hope you're able to get rid of them.

    Hope that blasted heat goes away soon. We usually get higher temps in September around here, so I'm not quite looking forward to that since I think high 70s is hot.

    Have a fun weekend.
