
Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Five

1. We have internet again, folks! Turns out our modem just went out, meaning that the little AT&T service call was going to cost us $110 plus the $60 modem. I may or may not have cried when the guy told me that the modem "fell off his truck" and he "fixed the problem outside" (therefore waiving the fee). There are some really nice people in the world.

Now if we could just get our wireless router going again so we can watch some Friday Night Lights. :) No, we still haven't finished the series. We're only about halfway through season three. Oh, but I still love it. I will probably cry when we finish all five seasons.

2. I know I've talked about this on here before, but I love consignment sales! There are two main ones I go to, Just Between Friends and Rhea Lana. There was also a really good smaller one in my town last spring, but I don't know if they're having it again this season. Anyway, this week Rhea Lana was going on, so I took both kids (bravely!) this morning to catch the half price sale. The draw back to going to the half price sale is that it's at the end of the sale, which equals a smaller selection. The bonus is that, well, almost everything is half off. Duh. My frugality usually wins out, so today we scored some major deals, and boy did my growing kiddos need some clothes!

Avery didn't really need that much (thanks to Pearson's hand-me-downs-- thanks, guys!), so she ended up with a little jumper, two Old Navy shirts, a Puma set, Gymboree jeans, and Carter's jacket.

Landon, on the other hand, needed some "big boy" clothes! Seriously, I just bought the kid a size 12 month winter wardrobe. He's three months old. Anyway, I just LOVE the stuff I found for my little preppy boy! I can't wait until it's cold enough for him to actually wear it!
However, I didn't quite think through the logistics of taking two kids with me. Let's just say that a double stroller is not exactly conducive to going up steps (with no ramp available) to get in or making tight turns once you get inside. Lesson learned.

3. After we survived the sale (and made it to the car with our loot!), we met up with one of my oldest friends at, you guessed it, Chick-fil-a. Seriously, they should pay me for all the times I mention that place on here. I guess I'd have to have a much larger following for it to actually count as advertising, but still. I digress. Anyway, Carissa and I have been friends since we were six (or seven, minor details) and still keep up via Facebook, although we don't see each other all that often. I love catching up with her, even if we can hardly get sentences in between our kids' endless chatter and constant need for redirection. It's pretty funny because our kids are Landon, Avery, Ava, and Landon (and she has an Ashton who's in school). That's not confusing at all.

And of course I got no pictures. Gosh, I need to do better about that!

4. I want to sew. I want more time in the day so I can sew. I want Pinterest to stop reminding me of all the cool things I could sew if I just had that time. Alas, the list grows longer.

5. We're having a garage sale tomorrow! Woohoo! I kind of hate garage sales because they're a lot of work, but I kind of love getting rid of all my junk. Most of what we have this time is just clothes, so hopefully we make a little chunk of change.

Oh, I almost forgot! We're going to see Selah tomorrow night! I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a huge fan of Christian music. These days most of it is just pop songs that "could be Christian if you think about it really hard" or praise songs that have already been recorded by every other unoriginal artist. Plus, most artists just aren't that musically talented. Ugh. I say all that though because I absolutely LOVE Selah*. They're coming to my hometown (the smallest town in the world, go figure), and we weren't going to get to go because tickets are pretty expensive. Well, expensive for us and we just couldn't swing it this month. We were pretty bummed, but then we found out on Sunday that someone anonymously bought us tickets and arranged for our sweet friend Brenna to babysit. Honestly, my prideful self kinda had a hard time with it at first, but we are just so excited and thankful to be able to see them perform in person (not to mention having an evening out!). Eek! I can't wait.

* I also really love Watermark/Christy Nockels and Caedmon's Call, for the record.

I guess this really ended up being the Friday Six, but oh well. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun date night surprise! There ARE nice people still, like you said :) And love the new kid clothes! I need to hit up some sales like that at some point but I think we're set for a little while. Gotta love shopping mother-in-laws!
