
Monday, April 30, 2012

Landon: 11 Months

Look who's 11 months old today!

Oh, I just think he is the cutest little boy I've ever seen in my entire life! I could just squeeze those precious cheeks all day!

Landon's a snuggler! He's gotten much more squirmy and active as he's gotten older, but he's still pretty content to sit in our laps or be held. I love that because Avery was so independent that she didn't like to sit still for one second!

He wears a size 3 diaper and 12 and 18 month clothes. He wears size 4/5 shoes if we can keep them on his feet.

Landon loves to move, but he's still not walking. I'm okay with that; it's tough enough to keep up with him as it is! He crawls for real now (instead of army crawling) and loves to walk holding our hands. He'll stand up by himself every now and then but promptly sits down once he realizes what's going on. He climbs on EVERYTHING, so I really have to watch him.

He has 6 teeth (2 on bottom and 4 on top) and eats just table food now (with the occasional baby food jar in emergencies) and nurses 3-4 times a day. He likes his sippy cups, but he LOVES to drink out of a real straw. Oh, and he puts everything in his mouth.

He loves bath time and having his teeth brushed, and he goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 and sleeps for 12 hours a night.

Landon adores his big sister. She makes him laugh harder than anybody else can! He watches everything she does and gets so excited when she pays attention to him (which is pretty much all the time). They're starting to be able to play together a little more, so that's been fun to watch.

We just love this kid and his little smiley self!


  1. He is so cute and Matt make pretty babies!!!

  2. He's so adorable!! Both of them are. I can't believe he'll be 1 soon. And WAY TO GO on continuing to b-feed!! That's awesome. I know not many people pat you on the back for that but I think that's great. I hope to go longer with the next one. :> You know, whenever that is...
