
Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Five

1. Last night I FINISHED my initial Etsy inventory! (Thanks for all the Facebook love, btw!) I'm starting off my listings with 10 tag blankets, 20 key fobs, and 20 burp cloths. I am loving these fabrics and can't wait to post them! Y'all. I've been talking about this dang shop for over a YEAR, and I'm just now getting ready to open it. Have I ever mentioned that I'm a perfectionist? I don't like to do things unless I can do them exactly right, which is kind of a curse because I live my life in a constant state of stress. I know, I need to work on that. Anyway, this week I'm taking pictures and posting items! And then I sit around and wait for that first sale, which I hear can be quite elusive. Sigh. I guess we'll see!

2. I scored majorly at a garage sale today! I actually drove by it at first, but on a whim turned around before I got home (it was in my neighborhood). Wanna hear the awesomeness that is Landon's fall/winter wardrobe? 21 shirts (sweaters, long-sleeved Ts, button-ups), 2 pairs of pants, and 3 sets of PJs for FIFTEEN DOLLARS! And everything was Children's Place, Gap, Carters, and Osh Kosh. SO CUTE and in amazing shape. Seriously, who says that shopping for boys isn't fun? And let's just say that it pays to chat up the sellers because I think they cut my price in half. You know, because I'm so lovable (haha!).

3. I'm a little obsessed with our library lately. It's not the biggest library in the whole world, but they have a great selection of movies, a really nice kids' section room, and the librarians love me and order books upon request! It also helps that they used to be my coworkers because our public library is also the high school library. Yes, we live in a very small town. And okay, I'm sure they order books for anybody who requests them. Anyway, I've got a FREE stack of books that I'm ready to dig into. Don't judge my literary taste. I'm no longer an English teacher. And hey, at least I'm reading, right?

4. The year was 1991. I was 7 years old. The only thing I wanted for Christmas was Felicity, the newest American Girl doll. I would spend hours just soaking in every page of the American Girl catalog, circling all of the items that I just couldn't live without (because $80 for a doll was totally reasonable, right?) and hinting to my parents not-so-subtly that I would probably die if I didn't get a Felicity doll. Okay, so I wasn't that dramatic, but you get it. I cried that Christmas morning when Felicity greeted me in front of our tree. Y'all, American Girl was a BIG DEAL. I read all of the books. Multiple times. My friends and I talked about and played with them all the time. I subscribed to the magazine. It's safe to say that American Girl shaped my childhood. Yes, I am aware that I'm a dork.

So of course they wait to expand their empire by opening American Girl Place locations across the country AFTER I was much too cool old for such things. But today, with Avery as our "cover," my mom took Allison and me to American Girl Place for lunch, where we reverted back to the 90s and loved every minute of it. The food was pretty dang good, too!

I still can't believe they've retired Felicity, but I'm guessing that means that mine is worth more now. :)

5. Matt and I are doing another Whole30 next month. You know, because I hate myself. In all fairness though, I think it'll be much easier this time around because we know what to expect. Plus, my love handles came back with a vengeance, and I'd like for them to go away. This is all that works for me. So yay.

And if you see me in September and I look a little cranky, it's just because I want some chocolate.


  1. I absolutely cannot wait until Natalie is old enough for the America Girl dolls. Sigh. So fun!

  2. Your etsy shop inventory is SO cute!! And I'm with you on the Whole 30 thing... I'm gonna need another round of that. Stat.
