
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life Lately.

The worst part about waiting so long between posts is that I have NO IDEA where to begin. And lately I feel like I've been saying this a lot, so maybe I should learn from my lament and just start writing more regularly. Actually, I think I'm gonna do a Week in the Life series next week to 1) get back into my blog groove and 2) remember everyday life with two little kids.

So back to the promised update. Since my last post...

...last weekend Matt's parents came for a visit! We all love NeNe and Pop Pop, but Avery and Landon adore them. I took no pictures of them though because I am losing at this Supermom thing. But we had a relaxing little weekend and even made it out to our town's Movie in the Park. We only made it through 30 minutes of Happy Feet 2 before both kids were done and ready for bed. And the Dallas Zoo brought some penguins!

...we had a Back to School swim party for the church kiddos. It was supposed to be two parties (one for the youngers, one for the olders), but because of weather uncertainty and low numbers signed up, I just combined them. And now I know that Saturdays during sports seasons aren't the best days for kids events. I think the kids had a great time though! neighbor friends and I hit up the Rhea Lana consignment sale on the early half-price day. Avery's closet is now set for fall/winter, and I even found a couple of leotards for gymnastics! (Y'all, those things are impossible to find for some reason.)

...Matt had a crazy week with meetings (school and church) every night, and then he went to the men's retreat Friday and Saturday, so I was very glad that last week is over.

...Friday was pretty rough with Avery. She is usually the SWEETEST kid, but she has been testing the limits (and my patience!) a lot more frequently. She's spunky, stubborn, bossy a natural leader, and fiery, and I know God is gonna do amazing things through those traits. But right now's the hard part where I can't see the end results and just have to keep praying that we're not screwing her up. So after I alluded to Avery's bad day on Facebook, my friend Natalie invited us over Friday afternoon so our kids could play and Avery and Crockett could be "terrible" together. It was a much needed reprieve.

...afterward the kids and I went to my sister-in-law Chelsea's house with my mom for dinner on that Friday night, and she made a delicious meal of fajitas and all the fixins. I love that she and Aaron live close now!

(On a much more serious note, I found out when I was leaving Chelsea's that a girl in our church's youth group [who I've known forever] was in a terrible car accident. She was careflighted to the hospital but was okay, but her friend didn't make it. My friend's name is Ashley and she's a senior in high school. Please pray that she'll continue to heal from her injuries but also that she'll be able to heal emotionally and mentally because she's got a long road ahead. Also pray for the family and friends of Heidi, the girl who passed away. I can't even imagine what they're going through.)

...we celebrated our neighbor Heston's first birthday at his party on Sunday! His mom, Whitney, did an AMAZING job putting together his Very Hungry Caterpillar party. Annnnddd I got no pictures. Of course. If she ever blogs again (haha!) I'll post the link so you can see what a fantastic job she did!

...Nutmeg caught three rabbits. She killed two of them. Apparently there's a whole rabbit family living under our deck and Meg has made it her life's purpose to make sure that they no longer live. Period. Much less in her territory.

...I've been sewing again. I had a crazy experience with a custom order, so I had to put aside my current projects to deal with that, but it's over and done, and look at the newest tag blankets! You can find them in my shop by clicking here.

...And I'm REALLY excited about this show!!! It doesn't start until October, but I can't wait. I absolutely love Connie Britton (mostly because I'm still obsessed with Friday Night Lights), but this show looks like a winner all around. Although this is coming from the girl who only watches The Bachelor, so my opinion might not be worth much in the TV department. (To redeem myself, I do watch DVDs of Friends, The Office, Big Bang Theory, The OC, and FNL; I just don't religiously watch current stuff because we don't have DVR. That was way too much explanation of something that doesn't even matter.)

...we closed on our refinance last night, so now we get a little break in the mortgage section of our budget. That's pretty awesome.

...the kids went to Mother's Day Out today while my friend Iris and I started moving into our new office! We get to leave our little closet that we share with our super awesome church accountant and move into the former associate pastor's office, which is actually in the kids' hall! I think I'll have everything moved in and organized after Thursday, so I can have a clean slate and fresh workspace to start the school year in children's ministry!

Anyway that about does it. The end.

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