
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week in the Life: Thursday

7:15  I dragged myself out of bed only because I hadn't prepped stuff for Mother's Day Out the night before and knew I had to get going if we were going to be close to on time today. Somehow I managed to get myself and Avery both dressed, lunches packed, and dinner in the crockpot. Oh, and Avery ate breakfast at the table instead of in the car, so that was a small victory.

8:15  I had to wake Landon up AGAIN, so he got to eat a banana in the car. Smart move on my part. His shirt looked awful by the time we got to school. It was bike day today, so I also had to unload Avery's bike after I dropped them both off. And after all the work Matt put into finishing her bike makeover, she decided that she wanted to take her small trike thing instead. Go figure. She's not exactly proficient at the real bike yet, so we didn't even fight that battle.

9:15  After a stop by the post office (yay for Etsy sales!), I made it to church to work on budget planning pretty much all day long. Talk about draining. And this is coming from someone who loves planning and crunching numbers. But I'm done and finished it before my deadline! Yay!

2:00  I picked up both kids and was determined to have a better afternoon than the past two days. And you know what? It's amazing how much of a difference it makes to get rid of a selfish, I-have-to-complete-my-to-do-list attitude. We played inside, we played outside, we had fun, and I was a lot less stressed. Gosh, why don't I do that every day?

4:45  Matt came home and mowed the backyard! Yippee! The kids and I played outside while he mowed. Have I mentioned how much I love crock pot meals? (By the way, this cilantro lime chicken recipe will knock your socks off. It makes fantastic leftovers, too.)

Geckos have taken over our yard.

6:15  We ate dinner, Matt bathed the kids while I cleaned up, and both kids were in bed by 7:30. Success.

7:45  I left to meet up with my good friend Kendra and some cool college kids for a Bible study (that started tonight actually), and I'm guessing that Matt fell asleep right after I left. The poor guy has been exhausted this week!

11:00  My coffee kicked in right as I pulled in the driveway. So I'm wide awake at 11:45, and I wonder why I'm so tired every morning.

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