Matt had to work all day, so the kids and I played and played and played all morning. It was super rainy, so we were stuck inside.
I got a little stir-crazy, so after nap time I took the kids to Hobby Lobby. I haven't been there just to browse in awhile, and Avery and Landon were so well-behaved. It was actually fun! I got a couple of wall hangings, so heading back to the van in the POURING rain with a huge bag and two kids was quite the adventure.
We drove through Chick-fil-a to get dinner to eat at my parents' because I had to be there at 5:30 to set up for Dad's SURPRISE PARTY! Woohoo! He turns 60 this week, so a bunch of his friends and family came to celebrate his life! And eat dessert. LOTS of dessert. My mom takes parties very seriously. :)
Matt finally made it to the party around 8:15, and we didn't get home until 11 pm. Talk about a long day!
We had church in the morning; Matt went early for praise team practice, and the rest of us got there at 9. My parents, Nick and Brittany, and Isaac joined us at our place for lunch after church before the boys went to move some more stuff into Nick and Brittany's new place.
The kids took naps while I sewed, and then Matt met us back at church at 5 so I could do childcare for The Gathering (a prayer meeting). Then Awana started at 6.
I got to go to a movie with my mom, so I left at 7 and Matt took the kids home for dinner and bedtime. (p.s. Won't Back Down is really good! I love Viola Davis.)
...that was our week. I think I'll limit these series to once or twice a year, but since I seem to forget what each stage of life is really like, I'm glad I'll be able to look back at the reality of the varied stages.
You will enjoy reading these later! :)