This girl turned three months old on Thursday! Have I mentioned yet how much time flies? Because it totally does. We love our sweet Harper SO MUCH!
Harper is wearing 3-6 month clothes and size 1-2 diapers (when she's not in cloth). I have no idea how much she weighs!
She sleeps through the night, and we love her even more for that. She usually goes to bed around 8 (earlier if she didn't nap well that day) and wakes up around 7. She goes down for her first nap around 9 (for about an hour) but naps for 3-5 hours in the early afternoon. We haven't moved her to Avery's room yet because I just can't bring myself to kick her out of ours!
Harper is usually a very happy baby. Sometimes she gets fussy in her car seat, but if we keep her moving she's usually okay.
Her big brother and sister really love her, and she loves them! They can make her smile just by talking to her.
She eats about every 2-3 hours when she's awake.
Harper is especially smiley in the mornings! She's even started "talking" in really high pitched coos.
She's just SO. PRETTY. I can't even get over it. I think she looks almost identical to Avery when she was a baby, but lots of people tell me that they only see Landon in her. Either way, she's a cutie!
She's adorable Heather. Love all her cute clothes!