
Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Five

1. Well, we got even more "snow" this week, canceling another day of school on Wednesday. Unfortunately, Matt didn't get to spend the day off at home since he was already out of school to drive to San Antonio for his convention. Boo. Bible study was canceled, so Avery and I just spent the day playing at home in our pajamas. Turns out the weather wasn't quite as bad as predicted this time around, so I still went to our small group that night while my mom babysat. I'm SO excited that the weather is supposed to warm up this weekened! We need to play outside!!

2. Last night should've been super productive since Avery went to bed at SEVEN (no nap at MDO = early bedtime!), but instead I spent the evening on the couch with my friends Oreo and Kit Kat while I watched Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. Sometimes you just need to veg out.

3. I finally finished my Craft Corner and blogged about it here. Here's a preview picture of the finished product if you missed Thursday's post:

4. Today we have big plans to hang out with Whitney and Pearson (Avery is obsessed with that girl!) at our house and then meet up with my cousins and sister-in-law for dinner. Matt comes home TOMORROW!

5. Valentine's Day is this week (duh), and while we never really do anything special for Valentine's (don't get me started; I'm not a fan), I'm hoping we can go see a movie some time this week. Wishful thinking? Maybe. But we try to go on at least one date per month, and the rest of February on our calendar looks busy. Are there even any good movies out right now?

I'll be at our church's Valentine's Banquet on Saturday (albeit dateless and "supervising" the kids wing), so at least I'm being semi-festive, right? Eh. If you're one of the crazies who loves Valentine's Day, I hope you have a great time celebrating.

For everybody else, have a great weekend!

This post is linked to Company Girl Coffee.


  1. I think the whole country is ready for the weather to warm up and normalize!

    Loved the post about organizing the craft area. I have an entire (very small - 9 x 9) room that is half crafts, half office, and (unfortunately) fully disorganized at the moment. It's still functional, and will eventually get reorganized. I'm planning to move within the year, and have slowly been thoroughly decluttering every room. That room is LAST.

  2. You are so right, sometimes we really do need to veg. Plus the animals "deserve" quality time too, right? ;)

    How awesome to have a craft corner all ready for use. I soooo need to get my cleaned off. In fact it is on my to-do list for this week. Since it is only Friday I still have 2 days to get that chore done.

    Have a great week.

  3. I'm working on getting my space to be an inspired space that I actually use so I just love to see that yours is all spiffed up and ready to go -- inspiring!

    I don't know about good movies out right now. We watched how to train a dragon recently & enjoyed that. but it's not in theatres.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. Hi Heather! I agree we need better weather and time to veg! Yeah for Kit-Kats! Love your craft area, I have a area just not very organized yet. Have wonderful weekend!

  5. 1. Hope it warms up soon.
    2. I have many days when I should have been more productive. Oops.
    4. Have fun hanging out.
    5. We don't do Valentine's Day either. We do a monthly date night. Yeah, why is Feb so busy?

  6. Our schools got out about noon on Monday and most have been out the rest of the week because of weather. Thankfully, we have got a lot done because we home school but I am SO ready for spring! We won't be doing much for Valentine's fact, I don't even have anything for our kids yet, guess I should get on that! Hope you have a great weekend!
