
Monday, February 14, 2011

Ruffly Skirt #2!

I love having a little girl. :) I was totally anti-ruffles and bows when I was pregnant with Avery (I didn't want her to be too girly!), but now I'm just jumping on all of the fun little girly things I can make. Somebody's probably gonna have to stop me.

I started skirt #2 the other day and was completely put off by the pattern instructions. They were ridiculous! I'm pretty sure I read them like 10 times before I was able to kind of figure out what I was supposed to do. (Not using that brand again! Whistlepig or something boutique-y like that)

Anyway, the actual pattern was actually just a bunch of strips of material (the pattern also has jackets and bags and stuff, but the skirt cutting was pretty basic), so it was a struggle for me to measure and cut in straight lines without a rotary cutter, but I somehow managed to get them semi-straight.

I also forgot that the basting stitch for a ruffle requires two rows (thanks, Facebook sewing friends!), so the first ruffle took me forever since I was trying to gather the fabric with only one stinking row. The other two were a piece of cake.

I finished the elastic during tonight's episode of The Bachelor (haha!), and voila! It turned out much better than I expected. I think the ruffles hide a lot. I'm still working on sewing in straight lines; it's a process, right?

Anyway, since it is Valentine's Day and all, I'm getting my booty off the computer so I can hang out with my awesome husband. Night!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! How long does it take you to make one?
