Talk about a random post! I just wanted to check in with some fun pictures to catch up on some recent events around here. ("Fun" being a relative term!)
Plus, I've apparently abandoned my camera. Seriously, I've been taking practically zero pictures lately. Here are a few that I've managed to snap.
Pre-campmeeting tent trial. Avery and Matt had a camp out in the yard while Landon and I enjoyed the air conditioning inside. Not sleeping in the tent until we're in the mountains and it's below 70 degrees... (although at this point I'd take below 85) |
Pre-haircut entertainment. Matt sure comes in handy! |
Landon is seriously reconsidering this haircut business. The mullet was getting a little too pronounced, so it was time. |
Matt to the rescue (again) with a little creative diversion |
We love Miss Cindy! Avery needed a little trim, too. |
These cuties love each other to pieces. They were just cruising through Costco hugging each other. I really love these moments because they make the crappy ones a little more bearable. :) |
Summer is going by way too quickly. So boo to that, but we are totally taking advantage of every minute of what's left!
His haircut looks super! He looks like a little boy, just growing up so quick!