
Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Five

1. Matt and I ran into one of my coaching friends at the library the other day. He also has a girl and a boy, and I was joking about how different it's been watching Landon because he is the exact opposite of Avery in so many ways. I know that all kids have their own individual personalities, but so many of the differences seem to be typical of boys vs. girls. Anyway, he recommended that I read Bringing Up Boys. I just so happened to have a borrowed copy of it in my ever-growing "to read if I ever get a chance" stack of books, so I started reading it last night. I'm only a few chapters in, but it's super interesting already. I know Dobson's controversial or whatever, but I'm really excited about it. Have any of you boy moms read it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

2. Speaking of controversy, Holy Hateful Social Media, Batman. Y'all. I am just over the Chick-fil-a debates. One side cries "hate" because they spoke out against gay marriage. The other side is on a rampage to make sure everyone knows that they support Chick-fil-a. You know what I think? Chick-fil-a serves really good chicken.

Nobody's going to win a Facebook war over a fast food joint. And nobody's going to win a debate about gay marriage via computer screen. And don't even get me started on the politically charged posts that pop up every single day. Is it November yet? I know I'm being completely idealistic here, but I just really wish that people would have these conversations in real life and not by cowardly hiding behind their computers. They're great conversations to have, but somehow all decency goes out the window when you forget that you're talking to a human being and should still treat them with respect, whether you agree with them or not. My friend April wrote a great post about it that is worded much more eloquently than my little mini-rant. You can check it out here.

3. We finally painted our bathroom this week! And when I say "we," I mostly mean "Matt." We bought paint for our kids/guest bathroom over a year ago with the intention of also painting our bathroom the same robin's egg blue. We painted the small bathroom right away, but then Landon was born, life happened, and we just never got around to ours. But it's done now, so yay! We ran out of paint, so one wall is the dark khaki of our living room, but it coordinates perfectly and I absolutely love it.

4. I am SO excited that the Olympics (officially) start today! I will obviously be watching the U.S. Women's Soccer team, but I also love the gymnastics competitions. Those are some crazy athletes! Shoot, they all are, otherwise they wouldn't be in the Olympics. I love watching athletes compete for pride, both their own and their country's (especially the underdogs. I'm a sucker for underdogs.). And hey, maybe I'll get inspired to get back in shape. Or not. But go Team USA!

5. We've had a pretty relaxed week just getting caught up around the house. I've been sewing up a storm, Matt's been painting and working on the manly home maintenance items on the to-do list, and the kids are loving tearing up the house playing with every toy they can find. We're camping out in the backyard tonight as a test run for campmeeting next week, and then tomorrow we're helping Kendra and Carlos move (just across town, whew!).

Happy Friday, everybody!

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