Once Matt got home from looking super cute in the homecoming parade (hehe), we ventured off to the high school football game that night, where before we even sat down like five people got onto me that my baby didn't have socks on. Geez, people, they were in the bag. It wasn't even that cold. We hung out with Megan and Deke and then met up with our sweet neighbors David and Brooke.
By the end of the night, Avery was out. She's such a trooper. Seriously, if I was dragged around to all these loud places with people trying to get a glimpse of me when all I wanted to do was sleep, I'd be pretty ticked. I'm glad she takes after her daddy.
Road trip! This was Avery's fourth (yes, fourth) road trip, and it just happened to coincide with her 3 month birthday! We went to ETBU to see Sarah play soccer and Carrie play volleyball, and you'd think that I would realize that I need to say I'm leaving an hour earlier than I actually have to leave so I leave on time. We got there right before the soccer game, which meant that of course, Avery decided to pee all over Matt while he was trying to change her. As he was cleaning up the pee, she thought it would be funny to poop, too. So there we are, standing outside of our car, I'm holding the naked baby over the grass while she's all doing her business, and Matt's trying to clean up the pee that is ALLOVER our car. Point for Avery. Good thing we had extra clothes for her.

Early release days=good days, right? Not when you're "the only teacher in the entire school who's making us do work" apparently. The kids were checked out; I was checked out. Fun times.
Pretty much the highlight of my day every day, not just weekends, is going to pick up Avery. Matt and I usually try to guess whether or not she's going to be in the same clothes we dropped her off in or if I have to be Stain Fighter to the rescue when we get home. As soon as I walk in the door, she's all smiles and all mine for the weekend. Yes.
Avery and I stopped by Kari's house to drop off some garage sale stuff (we'll get to my obsession with garage sales later), and Avery officially met Emma. Emma is 2 and a half, and she was so sweet with Avery! She kept wanting to give her kisses and share her toys. Go figure that I forgot my camera, so Kari had to cover for me.


Round 2: Carrie's game. We always love spending time with the Fisks since we don't get to see them very often, and this time we got to meet Carrie's boyfriend and his little girl, Ava. They were so sweet! Point for Carrie. About halfway through the game, Matt took Avery, fully dressed, to change her diaper and brought her back, naked (Avery, not Matt. Weirdo.). Point two for the baby. Still zero for us. Awesome.

Walmart for new clothes for Naked Baby, Bodacious Barbeque, visit to Sarah's dorm, drive back in the pouring rain. The end.
I loved loved loved my college experience, but it's weird going back now knowing no one. It really was the people who made it so special. Hmm, I smell a new blog topic...
After church we went to Moni's to celebrate Dad's birthday. I love my family so much, and it was nice to hang out before the nightmare of my evening began.
Procrastination comes back to bite you in the butt. Every time. Grades were due Monday, so that meant my entire Sunday afternoon and evening were spent grading movie reviews. Whose idea was it to assign two typed essays in one grading period?? Oh yeah. Lesson learned.
And now for next weekend's preview: Friday night cleaning date (don't be jealous!) and Avery's fifth road trip, this time back to Brownwood. Let's hope we don't get peed on.
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