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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blogs I'm Loving

I've gotten a couple of shout outs in the blog world lately, so I'm using this post as an opportunity to share the love. I subscribe to a LOT of blogs (thanks, Google Reader!), so I won't list all of them (you're welcome). Here are some I think are worth checking out:

People I Know in Real Life

Allison Jean Photo. Mi hermana. It goes without saying that I loooove her. She hasn't updated in awhile (ahem, get on that, please!), but her posts are sometimes funny, usually include phenomenal photography, and are always genuine.

Living Well. Kati! Despite our disdain for each others' taste in sports, we were good friends in high school. We went our separate ways in college but have recently reconnected through Facebook and our blogs. Kati's blog is about food, exercise, life, and now pregnancy! Kati is having a baby in a few months, and it's been so much fun following her journey.

The Petty Adventures. This is my neighbor Brooke and I just love her! She and her husband are both twins, and they have two dogs and the same house as us, so I love to get decorating inspiration from her (and our other neighbor Whitney). Hehe. Brooke always has funny stories to share about family, faith, and friends.

Pieces of April. April and I went to college together. But we didn't know each other. Well, I knew who she was, but I'm pretty sure we never spoke. She was friends with my husband, and I got to know her well after college through her Facebook status updates (how lame does that sound?). I've decided that we're long lost soulmates, but I'm pretty sure that's creepy. Anyway, check out her blog. I love reading her thoughts on motherhood and ministry, and she's just real.

Southern Mother. Corrie does a great job with her blog about photography and her life as a mom and wife. She's a Texas girl living in Missouri, and I just love her writing style. Plus her photography is just gorgeous (which I don't say about just anybody!).

Casa del Arnold. Sarah was one of my teaching partners during my last two years MHS. She is just so sweet, and she's witty and artsy, and her blog is fun. Love her!

Bring on the Crazies. Write this down. I am an inspiration. Haha! I suckered Tiff into blogging and she just started her blog on Monday. So I think you should send her a little love and encouragement because you will want her to keep blogging. I promise. She's really funny and has lots of crazy stories about teaching and life with a newborn. Maybe she'll share them with you. If you're nice.


Catalog Living. Remember the Sonic commercials with the short haired brunette mom-in-a-minivan? Well, she has a blog. She's funny as all get out. The whole premise of the blog is that Gary and Elaine live in your catalogs. You know the ones, Pottery Barn, Ethan Allen, West Elm, etc. She picks one picture a day and writes a caption for it. Subscribe to it. You won't be disappointed.

There's No Place Like Home. This chick has the cutest house ever. And she has a cute baby. And she has a cute blog. Are you picking up on a trend?

Stuff Christians Like. Some Christians find him offensive. Some Christians also don't have a sense of humor (in my opinion). This blog is about the stuff we like getting in the way of the God we love. It's satirical and serious all at the same time. Love it.

MckMama. Life with 5 kids ages 5 and under. Crazy! But MckMama can make me laugh and cry all in the same post. I adore the way she lives out her convictions (even the ones I don't necessarily share). Plus, her kids are beyond precious and her photography is impressive.

Kelly's Korner. I actually don't even know why I read this blog so religiously. It's really just about Kelly's life, and I have absolutely no ties to her. It's not exceptionally well-written and doesn't make me laugh out loud, but she's doing something right because she has a kazillion subscribers and I, for one, just can't stop reading.

Love From Texas. This girl lives in a neighboring town, and I feel like she's my long lost best friend. However, she has no idea who I am, so I'm pretty sure it would make me a stalker if I acted on that. Although her grammar and spelling sometimes drive me up a wall, her blog is just cute (I'm running out of adjectives). I do wish she'd bring back Tuesday's List though...

Home Sanctuary. I've known Rachel since I was just a geeky little adolescent with braces. Her blog is dedicated to helping women make their homes a sanctuary by doing one "Small Thing" a day. There are even points involved, which is heaven for a competitive freak like myself. 

Money Money Money

I used to subscribe to around 10 budget-friendly blogs, but it was just, well, overwhelming. I've since whittled down my reading list to three.

My Dallas Mommy. Warning: she posts a TON. I don't even try to read each one. But I've found some budget-friendly tips, free magazine subscriptions, and coupons here. She's the chick on WFAA if you watch the morning news.

Money Saving Mom. Same principle, but not nearly as overwhelming. It's worth checking out if you need help with your home economics, lol.

Baby Cheapskate. This site tells you where the baby scores are, from the cheapest places to buy diapers that week to online deals and coupons.

Okay, so these aren't ALL the blogs I love, but I just don't have the time to list and describe them all. My house is messy. I should fix that. 

Which ones am I missing? I'd love to hear from you.

Happy reading!!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to check these out like my Reader doesn't have enough in it already. =p

Wow, you know a lot of people in "real life" who blog. None of my friends blog.

So many great things out there.

You forgot PW. =p haha

Corrianna {SouthernMother} said...

Aw Heather! I'm honored! Glad to know I have at least one reader :)

Kati said...

Heather! Thank you so much!! That was sweet :) I actually have been thinking of writing a similar post about why I read the blogs that I do...I need to do that! I enjoy your blog too. Let me know if you come up with that creative necklace holder!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Shout out! I <3 your blog, too! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog love! I love reading your blog too, for all the same reasons!